watch 30 Minutes or Less movie (2011) online free,The film, Nick (Jesse Eisenberg) is a small city Pizza drivers report a boy who hates his job and life was pretty bad so far. He lives with his best friend, Chet (Aziz Ansari), which is also the twin sister Kate (Dilshad Vadsaria), that Nick has strong feelings. His last delivery of the night, Nick ends up kidnapped and taken to a bomb tied to his chest two would-be criminals, Dwayne (Danny McBride) and Travis (Nick Swardson). Nick said he has 24 hours to come up with $ 100,000 to pay for hitman named Dwayne Chango (Michael Pena), to kill his father to Dwayne could get his inheritance and opened his sun / brothel. Support recruiting nick Chet to help him rob a bank and get back their life before the time runs out, but things did not end up in the best way all initially hoped.
The film festival is to not stop laughing from beginning to end and we learned at Comic-Con was that movie a lot despite some dialogue hilarious improvisation on the script. No doubt it was the improvisation that really brought this film to its full potential. From a distance, Ansari, the film was not as fun as it was. He steals the show in the film, with its observations and sarcasm that is so famous. The film is very short, which was disappointing, running around an hour and twenty minutes, but not be blamed because there is much you can do with a story like this that. The black humor is made into a film by McBride and Swardson (Shocker!), but I think it was out of criminals Peña, who is the real bad-ass. Peña has a lisp that his man is of a much more fun and enjoyable. Not only is a cold murderer, stone and cool, but it seems he also has a sensitive side too.
In general, the film was a success and everyone in the theater was laughing nonstop. Now this could be because the entire cast, in addition to Eisenberg and McBride were present, but no matter, I thought it was great. One thing that could have been left out was the relationship between Nick and Kate. Now I have to admit that kind of have a crush on television Dilshad Vadsaria (Greek), so that any time I can see it on television or cinema is a plus, but its role in the film was not very necessary. The reason is that in the first part of the film to build a lot of tension and romance between her and Nick just to go anywhere with him at the end of the film. It seemed I needed something like a burden to extend the duration of the film, it was decided to add the romance in it. Make no mistake, it is in some hilarious situations, but it really was not necessary.
That said, I recommend everyone to go out and get a big laugh to see next weekend in 30 minutes or less. It's funny, entertaining, emotional and suspense, then why do you see? Is that the funniest movies ever? No, but it is very entertaining and well worth the ticket price.
As a special treat, I was able to save the entire session panel, Comic-Con, the film, which includes Swardson, Ansari, Fleischer and Penalty. McBride was not able to do so, because he was filming the third season of HBO east and down, but it gives the fans a lot 'of Hall H, the same video. Check it out below and watch the Ansar to go, douchebag administrator, who should never be allowed to do the panel again, because she sucked so much!
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